DocShifter NV - Eedverbondkaai 242/003 B-9000 Gent Belgium -
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Your conversion needs are unique.
And so is your pricing.

What do we need to give you the best price?

We’ve put together a simple checklist designed to help us understand your needs. With it, we can give you an accurate estimate of pricing, specific to your goals.

Hover over the boxes to find out more.

1. Volume

How many files do you need to convert?
DocShifter is designed to convert tens of thousands of documents at scale. If you are looking to convert small volumes of documents, we're not the right solution for you.

2. File formats

What file type you are converting to? For example: are you converting everything to PDF or PDF/A; are you converting any image, audio or video files?
We have multiple options available depending on your input/output needs.

3. Your need for speed

How fast do you need the output file(s)? Will they all come in at the same time, or is the load spread evenly over time?
Set up multiple DocShifter servers to return the output even faster.

4. What systems do you want to connect to?

Are you working with OpenText Documentum, Veeva Vault, MS Sharepoint, IBM Filenet, or another type of system?

We can do that.

If you are picking up documents that sit on a shared drive, we can do that too. Without the need for specific integrations or connectors. A Rest API is also available, should you want to connect via web services.

5. Do you have regulatory requirements that demand very specific output settings?

Are you working in the Pharmaceutical, Finance, or any other highly regulated industry?
Chances are that you will need to fine-tune your output to meet regulatory requirements. DocShifter PDF+, for example, allows you to precisely set and configure your PDF output requirements.

DocShifter Licensing. Clarified.

Yearly annual subscription, including upgrades & support

Installation on-premise or in your cloud of choice (Azure, AWS, Google)

Functionality, speed & volume-based pricing models

Up to 10x faster conversion than comparable document transformation solutions

Unlimited Enterprise licenses available

Access to our friendly customer services for end-to-end support (that doesn’t stop at installation)

A software documentation & download portal to access the latest software updates & supporting documents

A front-row seat at our bi-yearly DocShifter Transform customer event

Scalability options to handle unpredictable demand

Docker & Kubernetes deployment at no additional cost

Tailored pricing for your enterprise.
Built with your needs in mind.

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Frequently asked licensing questions

No, DocShifter itself does not offer a complete SaaS service today. DocShifter is installed on-premise, in the customer’s cloud, or in his public cloud space. Why is that? Mostly the sheer volume of documents is simply to big to send back and forth over the internet. In addition, privacy is often an important reason for our customers to keep their precious documents close.

If you are interested in a true SaaS platform, running on DocShifter, please leave us a note, we can get you in touch with one of our partners. 

Yes of course. We thought you were never going to ask.

There are multiple options:


– Hand-held demos with your own content.


– A dedicated environment that you can use to upload files to. Where you can configure your own workflows.


– On-premise trial installations, so you can test quality and performance within your own infrastructure.


Contact us to try for yourself.

DocShifter can be installed:


- On premise in your own data centre. 


- In your private/hybrid or public cloud. 


- In Docker containers, orchestrated by Kubernetes.


- On either Windows or Linux. We realize you have a preference. 

DocShifter helps reduce costs in a number of ways:


– Faster performance = less servers needed = lower infrastructure costs = lower licensing costs (e.g. one customer reduced from 10 servers of their legacy tools to 3 DocShifter servers for the same amount of work).


– DocShifter does not require licenses for any Adobe technology, or the native applications used to create the content. No licenses are needed for Office or AutoCAD for example to be able to convert those file formats.


– Since DocShifter is not tied to any DMS, RIM or other platform, installation and ongoing maintenance is much simpler. This reduces internal costs to maintain the tool and any external service fees required.


– Free upgrades are included in subscription fees.

DocShifter is the world’s fastest any to any conversion software. Speed, quality, scalability and configurability are the reasons why leading companies use our software to convert their documents into high quality, navigation-rich, searchable content.


A few factors can help us estimate this for you:

– Number of documents that need to be converted per day, week, etc.


– How quickly you need to receive the results.


– What repositories you are using.


– Intended infrastructure for our servers and the content (on premise, in the cloud, etc.).


– The type of content that needs to be converted.


– Whether high-fidelity / compliant conversion is necessary.


– Do you need High-Availability.


– Is a disaster recovery environment needed.


– How many different non-production environments do you use (test, development, staging, validation, training, etc.)


Please use the form above to begin these discussions.